Saturday, April 30, 2016

Premium Bus Service in Delhi, on pilot basis from 1st June, 2016, said Mr. Gopal Rai at PHD Chamber

Even though there has been high usage of the metro in the second phase of the odd and even programme, yet the bus transport has not been used to its full potential, said Mr.  Gopal Rai,  Minister of Transport and Rural development, Delhi Government at PHD Chamber, in a programme on 2nd Smart Transportation Infra- Recasting Infrastructure through Smart Expo & Summit.

There is a change in the mindset of the youth whose youthful love for cars and bikes is now being replaced by the consciousness to follow the odd and even programme for a better quality of life.

Mr. Rai expressed his concern over the app based taxi aggregation who have been earning excessively well during the second phase of the odd even, through charging a high surcharge.
The government will check the high surcharge being charged and will let the taxis do business only through fair means, he said.

There is need for a Premium Bus Service in Delhi for the passengers to commute and Government is in the process of its implementation as a pilot project from 1st June 2016, said Mr. Gopal Rai

He requested the manufacturers and businesses to join the government’s initiative  to implement this project.
Out of the 25 lakh cars in Delhi, only 8000 cars have been challenged during the second phase of the odd and even drive in Delhi, said Mr. Rai.

A common effort through public and government co-operation will promote the successful implementation of any scheme, said Mr. Gopal Rai.

Mr. Rai also said that the odd and even system started in Delhi is not only being talked of within the country but world over.

Mr. Rai also stated that the second phase of the odd and even system in Delhi was followed by 99.9% people.

Positive energy is limited and to sustain it an efficient system is needed, said Mr. Gopal Rai. He said that the Delhi government is consciously working to sustain this positive energy through its efforts to create public transport.

Mr. P.S Ananda Roa, Executive Director, Association of State Road Transport Undertakings (ASRTU) expressed that the solution to the problem of traffic congestion and pollution lies in the creation of mass public transport.

Mr. Radhe Shyam Sharma, Chairman Standing Committee of South Delhi, Municipal Corporation, said that farsightedness in needed while framing policies and plans for the transformation process to become successful.

He also urged the government to address the issue of parking facility and earmark spaces for parking in colonies.

Mr. Sharma also pointed out that multi level parking facilities have to be created to deal with the problem of traffic congestion.

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