Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Additional Secretary Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications and IT Mr N Sivasailam on Tuesday indicated that it would take India close to 3 to 5 years to develop software in local languages for mass communication and application, given the size of the country and its intricacies though internet penetration has been growing.

Speaking on the occasion of World Telecommunication Day –ICT Entrepreneurship for Social Impact under aegis of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry here today, Mr Sivasailam hoped that sufficient and skillful entrepreneurship would emerge in India in due course of time to undertake the job of software development in multiple local languages .
 According to him, a lot has happened in the India’s telecom sector in the last couple of years which need to be appreciated widely including availability of the mobile phones at large scale but the internet penetration has yet to happen at intended peace for which efforts are being intensified.

Application of it and telecommunication services in India’s education and health sector also need drastic improvement and with the help of Industry, the government would make it visible and more pronounced, pointed out the additional secretary.

Principal integrated Financial Advisor Ministry of Defence Mr. Savitur Prasad in his remarks felt that India needed work at war footing to give results for Make In India project of the Prime Minister and gradually with a faster pace shed its dependence on equipment imported from various countries.   

According to him, India’s manufacturing of most of ICT components and equipment even for Defence Sector is still largerly import driven and if India has to progress at a speed on par with economies of scale, it has to move accordingly.

Among others who spoke on the occasion appreciating the progress that India made in the recent past in the field of Telecommunications and ICT comprised Sr. Vice President PHD Chamber Mr. Gopal Jiwarajka, its Vice President Mr. Anil Khiatan and Chairman Entertainment and Media Committee of the Chamber Mr. Rakesh Gupta including Mr. Sandeep Agarwal, Chairman (North) Telecom Equipment & Services Export Promotion Council.

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