Thursday, August 18, 2016


Goods and Services Tax (GST) as and when is implemented will attract litigation as it is going to be an evolving tax regime which could take some time to be perfect and the ceiling of perfection be rising with advancing times, according to the National Spokesperson of BJP, Mr. Nalin Kohli.

Addressing the members of the Managing Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry here today, Mr. Kohli said that the GST ceiling and its bottom line would be consumer friendly as those that will decide the tax rates are going to be public representatives and they would take public view while deliberating upon the taxation limits both at upper hand as well as bottom line in public interests.

“Since the GST would be an evolving tax regime, it is bound to attract litigations as and when its implementation begins but at the end of the day, the taxation system would gradually end the multiplicities of existing indirect tax system.  Not only, the collections would rise but the tax distribution will become more friendly”, Mr. Kohli concluded his remarks on GST.

He called upon industry to be more compliant and keep their books neat and tidy as gradually, Indian systems are transforming for much better days which would make compliance as one of the important perquisites to follow a disciplined routine not only in business practices but otherwise too.

The managing committee meeting was presided over by the President of the Chamber Dr. Mahesh Gupta in which moderation was partly done by its Senior Vice President, Mr. Gopal Jiwarajka with Secretary General of the PHD Chamber, Mr. Saurabh Sanyal proposing a vote.

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