Friday, August 11, 2017

NITI Aayog’s focused approach towards Health and Education inspiring : PHD Chamber

While appreciating the recent move of NITI Aayog’s partnership with States for bringing transformative change in their health and education sectors, Mr. Gopal Jiwarajka, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that this initiative will help these states attain inclusive growth and over all socio-economic development in the coming years.

Transformation in social sector of all States with due support from NITI Aayog is a significant step as States play a pivotal role in the overall development of the economy, said Mr. Jiwarajka.

Uttar Pradesh, Assam, and Karnataka have been selected for improving their healthcare sector, while Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Jharkhand have been selected for improving their education sector to provide support for better learning outcomes.

With focused approach and support from the prestigious think tank NITI Aayog, these States will lead to significant transformation in their socio-economic status and improvement in standards of living, added Mr. Jiwarajka.

Going ahead, this model should also be adopted by other States too for achieving higher and sustainable economic growth, said Mr. Jiwarajka.

Going ahead, we as an industry chamber would like to hand hold the states in providing support in every possible manner to upscale the growth of the nation, said Mr. Jiwarajka.

As there is a strong correlation between economic development and social development, effective policy interventions and strong reform initiatives along with time bound outcomes must be focused, he added.

Introduction of comprehensive health and education policies, easy accessibility of educational services and healthcare facilities such as establishment of schools, vocational training centers, colleges and hospitals in the radius of every 25kms across each state is the need of the hour, said Mr. Jiwarajka.

Though the healthcare system of our country has improved over time, we are still far away from the point of providing easily accessible and affordable quality education and healthcare facilities to all, added Mr. Jiwarajka.

Affordable and accessible access to universal health care with modernized hospitals upgraded with latest technologies and state of the art infrastructure, stepping up investments, training more manpower and building extensive allied healthcare bodies is required at the grassroots level, he added.

We believe quality of higher education and skill sets would be critical to bring more and more of our human resources in the production chain and to reap the benefits of demographic divided, he added.

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