Tuesday, November 21, 2017


PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday set up Indo-Hungary Business Investment Forum following signing of an MoU, which intends to enhance business and economic ties between the two.

It also aims at identifying supplementary possibilities for promotion and development of business partnership between the two countries.

The MoU was signed by Vice Presidents of the two organizations Mr. D K Aggarwal and Mr. Andras Rev in the presence of Ambassador of Hungary to India, Mr. Gyula Petho; Chairman, International Affairs Committee for Europe, PHD Chamber, Mr. Mohit Jain; Chairman, Art & Culture Committee, PHD Chamber, Mr. Sandeep Marwah and its Secretary General and Principal Director, Mr. Saurabh Sanyal and Mr. Yogesh Srivastav.

The Forum will provide an excellent opportunity to both the organizations to explore business avenues in each other country and discover better channels for trade and joint ventures in the field of IT, Pharmaceuticals, power equipment, auto-components and food processing.

After signing the MoU, Mr. Aggarwal emphasized that both India and Hungary need to recognize and promote development and diversification of economic and commercial cooperation between the two on equally mutually advantageous basis.

The Ambassador of Hungary to India Mr. Gyula Petho said this would boost the business ties between India and Hungary and give assistance to settle business disputes, arising out of commercial, economic and industrial interactions, between legal and natural persons of India and Hungary through amicable methods of arbitration.

Mr. Marwah in his address reaffirm PHD Chamber connect with Hungarian Art & Culture and assured that he would mount a delegation to Hungary to strengthen bilateral ties in the area of art and culture.

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