Tuesday, February 7, 2017


PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as per which the two organizations have agreed to establish and develop commercial links between business communities of two in general and their respective members in particular.

The MoU was signed here between Senior Vice President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Anil Khaitan and Chairman, Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mr.  Khalid A Rahman Almoayed in the Presence of Indian Ambassador to Bahrain, Mr. Alok Sinha and among other senior functionaries of both the Chambers.

The MoU also stipulates that the two chambers would promote trade and investment relations between India and Bahrain and to constantly endeavour to improve co-operation between the two Organisations as well assist each of them in trade and market research, conferences, symposia and other methods of trade promotional activity in each other's country.

Mr. Khaitan,  who is currently leading a high powered business delegation of PHD Chamber’s members away to Bahrain emphasized that the MoU also provides to organise B2B meetings, exhibitions, trade fairs and other such activities for closer trade and economic relations between the two countries.

In addition, it also aims at create and maintain a continuing exchange of information about economic developments and other matters affecting the business interests of their members as also promote visits of officials of both Organisations from time to time with a view to fostering intense co-operation for improved business relations and rendering better services to their respective members.

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