Friday, March 31, 2017

PHD Chamber launches Trade and Investment Facilitation Services India to become a USD 100 billion investment destination by 2022

While launching the Trade and Investment Facilitation Services (TIFS), Shri Gopal Jiwarajka, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that TIFS under the auspices of PHD Chamber will provide a secure and personalized single entry point to all trade and investment related information in the Indian Economy and has the potential to become a USD 100 billion investment destination every year by 2022.  

TIFS is a vital component for international trade and investment community and is envisioned to facilitate firms across the globe for trade and investments in India while simultaneously meeting India's rapidly growing appetite for new markets to enhance trade and investments, said Mr. Jiwarajka. 

TIFS is an information and advisory hub to provide requisite and detailed information to facilitate national and international business firms to invest in India; advising them on prospective business opportunities in India in general and in States and promising sectors in particular, he said.

TIFs will be very useful in reducing the time and hassle involved in appraising fruitful investments in the continuously changing economic ecosystem for the global investors. The portal is a first-point-one-stop reference for existing and potential investors from around the world, he added.

With the launch of TIFS, we envisages US$ 1000 billion merchandize trade (exports and imports) and US$ 500 billion services trade (exports and imports) per annum in the next five years, said Mr. Jiwarajka.

TIFS will play a three dimensional role as an information center on all national and regional/local regulations and clearances, providing facilitative advisory services to help overcome key obstacles and strengthen key positive enablers for enhanced trade and investments and effective networking with relevant Indian and overseas agencies, said Mr. Jiwarajka.

Overall, TIFS will be different from various programs currently in force in the sense that the origin of PHD Chamber is from the states, from the grassroots and ultimate destinations of all investments are also states. Also, as majorly of the facilitation part is required by small and medium enterprises and again we have very good strength that our 70% members are from MSME sector, said Shri Gopal Jiwarajka.

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