Tuesday, October 31, 2017

PHD Chamber hails robust improvement in the ease of doing business

While appreciating the efforts of the government for the improvement in Ease of doing business in India, Mr. Anil Khaitan, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that we have every potential to improve in our tedious and traditional business processes which hamper the functioning of the businesses and promotion of economy.

Improvement at 100 th level is not a surprise for us as our government was doing a lot to make it a better country to do business, said Mr. Anil Khaitan.

India’s ranking has improved from the level of 130 th in 2017 to 100 th in 2018, said Mr. Anil Khaitan.

The improvement in the eight parameters is tremendous as reforms across the board have resulted in fruitful outcomes in the starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency, said Mr. Anil Khaitan.

The improvement in these parameters has pushed India’s ranking to the higher level. India was the only economy in South Asia to become the top improver in ease of doing business, said Mr. Anil Khaitan.

Also, the implementation of Bankruptcy and Insolvency code, 2016 has improved the ranking of India on resolving insolvency parameter from 136 th in 2017 to 103 rd in 2018, added Mr. Anil Khaitan.

The robust reforms undertaken by the Government on the infrastructure and logistics front has improved the trading across borders, said Mr. Anil Khaitan.

We are proud that our country has improved more than 30 points in the Ease of Doing Business, he said.

Going ahead, we look forward for further improvement in the Ease of Doing Business as the GST is not factored in as the cut of date for Ease of Doing Business Ranking 2018 was June 2017, said Mr. Anil Khaitan.

We strongly believe that government will continue its serious efforts for the future improvement in Ease of Doing Business and we look forward at India’s ranking below 50 th in the coming years, said Mr. Anil Khaitan.

We need to focus on more reforms in getting the electricity connections and registering property, said Mr. Anil Khaitan.

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