Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ease of Doing business among Indian states improving rapidly: PHD Chamber

At the socio economic front the states have taken effective measures towards
the implementation of reforms in healthcare, education and basic physical
and social infrastructure. The states are now on their way to rapid
industrialization through coordinated development of Small, Medium and Large
scale enterprises, according to the study conducted by PHD Research Bureau,
research arm of PHD Chamber of Commerce and industry.

The study titled as Ease of Doing Business among Indian States: Suggestive
Measures has been released by Shri Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Cabinet Secretary,
Government of India in a programme Accelerating Ease Of Doing Business to
the next orbit, on 17th September 2016.

As states play a pivotal role in the overall development of the Indian
Economy, these are now dismantling barriers in production process such as
land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship and contributing  in a massive
way towards infrastructure building and industrialisation, said the study.

The recent breakthrough in the implementation of GST is commendable which
will reduce the barriers between states and will make the country a common
market. A wider tax base and better compliance will boost overall economic
growth of the country, said Dr. Mahesh Gupta, President, PHD Chamber at the
release of the study.

According to the study, though predominantly some states are agrarian in
nature, but the industrial sector in the states has also emerged as a
significant contributor in their economic and social development. Now states
offer favorable environment for attracting industrial investments through
investor friendly policies and better infrastructural support, said Dr.
Mahesh Gupta

The states have developed good infrastructure for promoting the thriving
sectors like tourism and IT industry with various lucrative public-private
partnerships (PPP), said Dr. Gupta

The states are focusing on strengthening their infrastructure base and
making the business environment more conducive to industrial developments.
Many states are known for their efforts in the area of skill development and
good governance; also many states have shifted their focus towards disaster
management techniques, he said

Going ahead, the role of states is expected to be increasingly more critical
in sustaining the overall development of the country in coming times, said
the study

Several challenges to their growth, such as easing the supply side
constraints in the economy, upskilling the workforce and increasing
manufacturing competitiveness are still the major areas of concern, said the

The state policies should be focusing on diversifying the beneficiaries of
the socio economic development programmes to ensure an all inclusive growth
in the country; the states should also focus on the comparative advantages
of their respective strengths and specializations and should also adopt best
practices of each other's strengths, suggested the study.

In a nutshell, the study said that the reforms undertaken by the state
governments are expected to bring out strong outcomes which would pave the
way for strong and sustainable economic growth of the country in the coming
times. With the continuous increase in per capita income of the states,
there exist a tremendous potential for expansion of consumer markets and
enhanced employment opportunities with expanding production possibility


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