Wednesday, September 14, 2016

PHD Chamber hails guidelines to regulate Indian Direct Selling Industry

PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry wholeheartedly welcomes the new guidelines to regulate Indian direct selling companies, issued by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs to safeguard the interests of consumers, as well as help protect ethical direct selling companies, said Dr. Mahesh Gupta, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a press statement issued here today.

According to our projections, the annual revenue size of the Direct Selling Industry is estimated to reach upto INR 15,000 crore by 2019-20 on account of conducive policy framework and regulatory clarity by the government, he said.

The annual revenue size of the direct selling  industry in 2014-15 was estimated at around Rs.7900 crore during the annual survey conducted by the PHD Research Bureau of PHD chamber

The guidelines related to grievance redressal mechanism for consumers, remuneration system for the person engaged by direct selling firms and direct sellers mandatory compliance with some rules will safeguard the interests of consumers as well as companies alike, added Dr. Gupta.

The guidelines will help to give boost to the industry which gives employment opportunities to large number of youth and women, contributes to skill development and women empowerment, gives push to MSME sector and has contributed to Government’s ambitious ‘Make in India’ campaign by giving boost to manufacturing sector in India, he said.

PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been conducting the Annual Survey of the Indian Direct Selling Industry for the last 5 years to study the growth dynamics of the Industry, he said.

Going forward, we look forward to a clear set of standard central guidelines across the country in order to build an environment of confidence and to bring India’s Direct Selling industry at par with global levels, said Dr. Mahesh Gupta.

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