Monday, September 12, 2016

Negative Growth of IIP worrying: PHD Chamber

The negative growth of IIP at (-) 2.4 for the month of July 2016 is a major cause of concern as growth of Capital goods has decelerated significantly by (-) 29% which is indicative of subdued pace of investments in the economy, said Dr. Mahesh Gupta, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a press statement issued here today.

However, the growth of consumer durables at 5.9% is encouraging in anticipation of bumper kharif crops vis-à-vis good monsoon scenario. We believe there is a need to push domestic demand particularly the rural demand in the economy, said Dr. Gupta.

We look forward to calibrated policy measures from the RBI in terms of reduction in the policy rates.

We also look forward to increase in public investments by the Government to help domestic demand to revive in the coming times, said Dr. Gupta.

The revival in the domestic demand would be crucial for the steady growth trajectory going forward as world economic environment is still in its lacklustre growth trajectory, said Dr. Mahesh Gupta.

These measures would go a long way to boost consumer demand and growth of manufacturing sector in the economy, said Dr. Gupta.

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