Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Corporatize Indian Agriculture : Dr. Ajit Kumar at PHD Chamber

Vice Chancellor, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Dr. Ajit Kumar on Tuesday pitched for corporatization of farming sector to integrate agriculture and farmers with prosperity and well being as this could be the single Mantra to double the farmers’ income as is being intended by the government of the day under Prime Minister Mr. Modi.

He also recommended that close to a lakh of Indian traditional dishes across the country should be standardized for its quality and hygienic values to make them globally popular as the National institute of food technology entrepreneurship and management has already identified thirteen such dishes for which equipment and tools will be put in place for their wider commercial circulation.

Addressing an International Food Innovation 2016 : Doubling Farmers Income Through Science, Technology and Innovation organized by the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry here today.  Dr. Kumar said that privatization of agriculture was not the solution for doubling farmers’ income as the experiment has hardly yielded the desired results.

“What ought to be experiment in the modern times is encouragement for corporatization of Indian agriculture as the government cannot be expected to alone explore the unexplored and un-negotiated territories and patches including landscapes of Indian agriculture with its own investments and technological tools. Therefore, corporatization could be an answer to serve this un-chartered territory to bring in prosperity among farmers and farming community by leasing out their land to corporates as with their investments, the Indian agriculture could see better days”, said Dr. Kumar.

According to him, the another strategy that could follow for betterment of farmers should be to equip all the villages with primary and secondary food storages in which their farm produce could be stored and farmers are equipped and linked with such facilities for gaining in higher returns for their produce.

Speaking on the occasion, Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce, New & Renewable Energy & CEO, Invest Punjab, Mr. Anirudh Tewari also endorsed the views expressed by Dr. Ajit Kumar adding that Punjab is the attracting hub for industries that wish to explore its agriculture sector as the State provide for more than 14% of incentives in terms of infrastructure to such investors as compared to other parts of the country.

Among others who spoke on the occasion comprised Agricultural Counsellor-India & Sri Lanka, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr. Wouter Verhey; CEO & Founder, Global Mindset, Australia, Mr. Pradeep Khanna; Chairman, Innovation Committee, PHD Chamber, Mr. Deepak Pahwa; Chairman, International Affairs Committee on Middle East, PHD Chamber, Mr. V K Mishra and Sr. Secretary, PHD Chamber, Dr. Jatinder Singh.

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