Sunday, November 20, 2016

Open up Training Institutions for Effective Domestic Civil Aviation Operations. Also Relax Norms & Interest Rates for Aircrafts Leasing: Aero Expo India-2016

The two-day Aero Expo India-2016 under joint aegis of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Civil Aviation which came to an end here today with strong recommendations for the government to open up series of training and skill institutions for growth of domestic civil aviation and its effective operations on lines of IITs and IIMs.

It also recommended that project financing for leasing out aircrafts be made competitive as it is much cheaper in economies of scale whereas lending for such purposes by domestic financial institutions and banks are at exorbitant cost particularly for business aviation as compared to commercial aircrafts.

The Aero Expo India-2016 collectively felt that training currently being imparted for perspective civil aviation human resource and personnel a substandard and needed many more improvements for their sustained employment to effectively serve the passenger and cargo services of the civil aviation sector since investments in such training institutes are meager as a result equipment and other facilities in them are not up to the mark to provide for training and skills that are required for emerging times aviation.

This gap and deficit could be effectively encountered with government investments as private sector lack resources to create training facilities for youths having aspirations to launch themselves in the avionics. “Countries like Malaysia and Morocco that have little resources to create such facilities if can generate training institutions with their investments, why can’t India emulate such a model?”, asked the Aero Expo India-2016.

The Panelists that made the aforesaid suggestions comprised CEO, GMR, Airports Ltd., Mr. P S Nair; CEO GMR, Aero Technic Ltd., Mr. Uday Naidu; Vice President, Industry Development, Strategic Partnership and Offsets at Airbus Group India, Mr. Ashish Saraf; Head of Operations, FWSTC & Cabin Crew Training, Mr. Vikas Khanna; CMD, GYROX Aviation, Col. Rampal Suhag; GM, Projects, Bhadra Group, Mr. Sumit Barat; Founder & CEO, Law Carbon Logistics (P) Ltd., Mr. Kailash Mishra and GM (HR), Airport Authority of India, Dr. Dewakar Goel.

The expo also concluded that leasing norms for commercial aircrafts in India have improved a lot, catching established global standards but need to be evolved for business civil aviation.  It was also recommended that lending costs for leasing out aircrafts should be minimize and brought on par with norms that prevail in countries like Japan and China.

All these measures it put in place would make the domestic civil aviation the most effective entities of the world in times to come as new India has evolved which needs practices that are prevalent in economies of scale to satisfy the aspirations of Indian people in general and its youth in particular.

Chairman, Civil Aviation Committee, PHD Chamber, Mr. K Narayana Rao also concluded with more such interface across industry.

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