Tuesday, July 4, 2017


PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday sought to propagate a liberal intake of ‘Slow Food’ in every nook and corner of the country to revive consumption of seasonal traditional food to keep India healthy and physically stronger in the globalized economy to have sufficient space for good, clean and fair food which defines the slow food and is directly sourced from mother earth.

Its President, Mr. Gopal Jiwarajka while speaking at a discussion on the Concept of Slow Food under aegis of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry here today not only made the aforesaid observation but also called for promotion of “Food Tourism” with special emphasis on revival of indigenous and traditional cuisine as their usages and consumptions are almost fast disappearing.

In the concept of Slow Food in which host of Chefs from leading hospitality industry such as ITC Hotels, Taj Group, JP Hotels and the like had assembled under umbrella of Slow Food Chefs Alliance, it was unanimously agreed that in the age of increasing consumerism, indigenous foods with aroma of its multiple spices and traditional cooking applications have vastly dissipated.

Therefore, the revival of traditional foods is the need of hour to keep India healthy with its farmers and their produce directly and thickly associated with the movement as with their participation in it, the food would not only be tastier but also healthier with all seasonal produce of domestic agriculture as well horticulture.

The above views were collectively expressed by the participants in the workshop which comprised Chef Rajdeep Kapoor, President, Slow Food Chefs Alliance & Executive Chef ITC Hotels; Ms. Gunjan Goela, Vice President, Slow Food Chefs Alliance & corporate Food Consultant; Chef Rahul Wali of Restaurant Practicing Slow Food; Mr. Puneet Jhajharia, Co-Founder and Director Ms. Ishira at Crop Connect; Ms. Anuradha Goel, Chairperson, Women & Child Development Committee, PHD Chamber and its Secretary General, Mr. Saurabh Sanyal.

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